【福岡釣部 by エギング】112 春イカ釣りもそろそろ終盤?ちゃっかりアオリイカGet!Fukuoka Japan Fishing Club.English sub.in 福津






It’s been a while since I’ve been to a fishing port in Fukuoka.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a fishing port in Fukuoka and I can feel the arrival of summer 😊.

The bait for horse mackerel, mackerel, and pike is coming back, and we are catching a lot of yazus and sagoji around us, so we are trying our best to catch them by jig sabiki and swimming!

While we were struggling, Mr. Templa, who came late, easily caught a squid, and we also caught a guy who is familiar to the Fukuoka Fishing Club, so it was a very fun fishing trip✨.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.